How to conduct online sales calls and demonstrations

Our new sales training e-learning toolkit is designed for modern sales managers and sales professionals who leverage technology to be more effective and productive. These e-learning course modules show you how to prepare and conduct effective online sales calls and demonstrations to build better relationships and close more sales. Conducting an online sales demonstration is never easy and our new sales training modules will show you how to plan your demonstrations to reduce the risks of poor delivery and bad impressions from your audience.

This e-learning toolkit focuses on planning and delivering online sales calls and demonstrations. This toolkit is part of our broad suite of e-learning modules for sales professionals and sales managers.

These online courses include video and audio content. The transcript is available to download and additional tips are offered as audio in the learner interface. Worksheets are also included in both Microsoft Word and .PDF formats for download from the learner interface.

These courses are perfect for individuals and teams. We offer an optional  coaching program to help you and your team achieve fast results.

With territories getting larger and travel budgets tighter, conducting virtual sales calls and product demos is becoming more important, yet many people are uncomfortable selling in this environment. However, due to these changing business circumstances, it is critical sales professionals learn how to use technology to achieve the same goals as their face-to-face sales calls.

This sales training toolkit builds the skills sales people need to conduct effective and successful online demos and sales calls.

Course Title Course Result
Introducing Online Sales Demos and Calls Understand the key factors differentiating remote sales demos and calls
Preparing for Online Sales Calls and Demos Know how to prepare for your remote sales demos and calls
Conducting Online Sales Calls and Demos Know how to present your remote sales demos and calls

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